How to Exercise Your Pelvic Floor

Pelvic Health

Let me introduce you to the pelvic floor!

The pelvic floor – the muscle group we are not 100% sure where they are, what they do, but we know we should probably squeeze them if pregnant. However, are they just important for those who have babies…absolutely not! They are for us ALL throughout life and our pelvic health is relevant from childhood until we are grey and old.

So why are pelvic floor exercises important?

Well, they are crucial for many daily functions including, keeping us continent, contributing to sexual pleasure and supporting our pelvic organs. So, very important I think you will agree.

But where are they?

The pelvic floor muscles are exactly where they say they are…in the floor of the pelvis. It is made up of a number of little muscles that work together. A true sign of teamwork! They attach to the coccyx at the base of the spine and to the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis.

So what might we feel if our pelvic floor isn’t happy?

We often hear about pelvic floor weakness, however we can also have pelvic floor tension.  There are a variety of symptoms that we can feel but a few of them are listed below:

  • Incontinence of urine, faeces or wind
  • Vaginal prolapse, which often presents as a heaviness or dragging sensation in the vagina
  • Pain with penetrative intercourse
  • Difficulty opening our bowels

So, how do we do pelvic floor exercises?

Taking a deep breath into our lower rib cage and allowing our tummy to relax helps our pelvic floor to relax. Then as we breathe out, think about holding in wind, so tightening around the back passage. Visualise this contraction coming forwards to the pubic bone. Then fully relax – the relaxation is as important as the squeeze. Try and repeat this 10 times. Your legs and bottom should not be moving during this contraction.

Then try the same contraction, but hold it for 10 seconds whilst you breathe in and out. If this is new to you then try holding for 3-5 seconds and then build up from there. Again try x10 of these.

Please note that pelvic floor squeezes are often not advised for someone with a tighter pelvic floor, so if you are experiencing pain with intercourse or inserting tampons then please do speak to your doctor first or try and see a pelvic health physiotherapist. Also focus on deep breathing as mentioned above to try and help pelvic floor relaxation.

Is it ever too late to start pelvic floor?

No! The evidence is that we can strengthen our pelvic floor at any age! So whether you are a teenager, in your 20s, pregnant, postnatal, perimenopausal, or have been through the menopause – pelvic floor exercises are for you.

How else can we care for our pelvic health?

Looking after our pelvic health is not just about pelvic floor exercises; we also need to think about our bladder and bowels. Preventing constipation is key and making sure we are not straining on the toilet. Making sure we are drinking enough water, have a good fibre intake and using a little stool to raise our feet up when on the toilet is so important. Additionally certain liquids, for example caffeine, citrus juices and alcohol, can irritate our bladder. This can lead to increased urgency or frequency of passing urine and also leaking for some. So making sure we modify how many irritants we are drinking can help our bladder a lot.

How do we get help?

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above please speak to your GP for support and seek referral to a pelvic health physiotherapist who support women rehabilitate their pelvic floor and live a pain and leak free life. For anyone struggling to feel your pelvic floor contraction, even if you don’t have symptoms, you can also see a pelvic health physiotherapist, but this isn’t available on the NHS currently. There are lots of pelvic health physiotherapist working privately who would love to help and support you. The best way to find someone in your local area is via the Squeezy App Directory or The POGP website

Don’t ever suffer in silence, as there is help.

Clare Bourne is a pelvic health physiotherapist based in London, passionate about supporting men and women throughout their lives with their pelvic health. She is also the founder of All About Mum which provides education and advice cards to women during pregnancy and beyond to help them feel empowered and looked after during this time. You can find more about Clare and her services at